A Limerick about bees or beekeeping.

Entrant ID:  1311123 Entrant Name:  Martin Bullock
Entry: A beekeeper’s wife said to hubby:

‘When will your bees give us honey?

You spent all your loot,

On a very nice suit,

Which I think was a waste of your money!’

Result:  rosette-blue


Entrant ID:  1311852 Entrant Name:  Colin Hall
Description: H&S Limerick
Entry: There was a beekeeper from Luton

Who would not put wellies and bee-suit on

He crowed: “I’m the bees’ knees!”

“We will see,” said the bees.

Stung all over, he can’t get a boot on



Entrant ID:  1312476 Entrant Name:  Fiona Cook
Entry: Bedfordshire Beekeepers are near

to marking their one hundreth year,

Celebrate with mead?

A good idea, indeed!

Our centenary is almost here!

Result:  rosette-red


Entrant ID:  1312478 Entrant Name:  Peter Cook
Entry: There was a worker from Beestone

Who was fed up with just making comb,

She trained as a scout,

Got out and about

To find her friends a new home!



Entrant ID:  1319384 Entrant Name:  Beverley Underwood
Entry: 1319384-17
Result:  rosette-gold